Three Nanopositioning Stage Considerations

14 September 2017
 Categories: Technology, Blog


Doing scientific work, you're likely already familiar with nanopositioning stages, also called nanopositioners, which allow you to view much smaller particles than were available in the past. Purchasing them for your team or a lab presents you with an almost staggering number of possibilities; the selection of a specific model isn't always easy. The below considerations below may be the best things to focus on.

Better Precision 

If you're still using stages that can only focus into details on a small, micrometer scale, you're about to be blown away with the details you'll be able to observe on an improved, nanometer scale. Because you may be satisfied just to see things better, if you don't plan to keep buying stages every few months, it's smart to get the best precision model in your financial budget. Avoid a strict focus on price and think about what precision might serve your work and team best. When you shop, stick to models with high optical zooming features.

Speed of Focus

Because nanopositioners are often used to look over particles suspended in some liquids, getting one that can capture particles in motion right away is essential. Speedy focusing can mean that you're able to make observations quickly. Instead of chasing elusive particles all across the stage, quick-focusing models permit you to view the details necessary to do your work without eating up too much time.

Speed can be especially useful because predictions about how the particles act can be more accurate since your ability to see them is so improved. Speed, velocity, and acceleration calculations can be better as well.

Three Dimensional Capabilities

Static images viewed in two axes has been common in laboratory work for many years. The introduction of nanopositioners with a Z-axis instead of simply X and Y axes opens up avenues for exploration. Active microorganisms and moving particles seen with three-dimensional capabilities can, for the first time, be seen at multiple angles and sides. This provides much more information about them and can spark new theories and conclusions. 3D nanopositioners should be a high priority for you whenever you're looking for new stages for laboratory work.

If your nanopositioning stages will be used often, it's important to consider each issue described. The stage you select will be an integral part of the work you do, so discuss nanopositioners with others on your team and experienced retail staff before ultimately choosing.